About Us

Since 2018, the Pedmed-NL office is located in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Building on the experiences from the Dutch Medicines for Children Network, Pedmed-NL is developing as a nationwide network that connects centers, involves people and aims to improve the quality of clinical research in children. Timing of the development of the network is based on the Conect-4-children (c4c) project. Within this project, financing is available for the development of 20 National Hubs across 21 countries in Europe.
Pedmed-NL, being the Dutch hub, therefore received funding to use for it’s maturation during the course of the c4c project (2018-2025). With this funding, we work towards sustainability, aiming to ensure high-quality clinical trials for children beyond c4c. Not only the Pedmed-NL office in Nijmegen is working hard to get there, but partners spread across the country contribute to the potential success of our network.

light blue map of The Netherlands with Nijmegen pinned, the office location of Pedmed-NL